Au revoir Three Cranes...

Published on 27 May 2024

We recently received the unexpected news that the Three Cranes Inn, our home for the last 3 years, is coming under new ownership and will be closed for refurbishments for at least a month.

Putting chess aside for a moment, this is obviously a difficult time for the wonderful staff who've looked after us so well over the years—we'd like to place on record our thanks to them, and we wish them all the best.

This leaves us without a regular home venue for the time being. On a happier note, we've had a chat with the new landlords who seemed positive about having us back once the refurb is completed, so we hope to be able to return to a new and improved Cranes in future. However, we've had to change our plans at short notice, particularly as our 2024 Summer League campaign begins on Wednesday.

The current plan is as follows:

• There will be no Wednesday club night from 29 May until at least 26 June
• Our home fixtures on 10 and 19 June will now be played away instead
• Our next home fixture against Chesterfield is on 17 July, by which time we hope to be back 🤞

More updates when we have them.